This network characterized bouquet of channels as rare in the world that produce or restore 90% of its programs and materials and this is what make it unique specificity between Arab channels.
Broadcasting and production in Dubai, Riyadh and Cairo. Offices in Amman, Rabat, Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut, in addition to tens of productive companies. As is the fourth operator channels of paid television in the Arab world, where television network comprising Hundreds of thousands of participants in the system to receive the channels that works by Smart Card.
Free-to-air channels:
* Almajd, Main General.
* Almajd, Holy Qur'an.
* Almajd, Hadeeth.
* Almajd, Ilmiya (Religious Sciences).
Encypted channels:
* Khidmatul Akhbar, News Service.
* Almajd, Al Wasaqia (First Arabic Language Documentary Channel).
* Almajd, Al Tabiya (Second Documentary Channel).
* Radio Dal for Children. (Live SMS Chat on the Channel round the clock)
* Almajd, Kids Channel.
* Almajd, Basma (Cartoon Channel for Kids).
* Fakkar-o-La'ab (Think & Play - Interactive game channel for kids)
* Almajd, Ramadania (Special Channel during the holy month of Ramadan)
* Almajd, Promo Channel (A multi-view of 9 main channels of Almajd bouquet).
* Shada TV.
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